Monday, June 17, 2013

Even though we live in Norway and have a different day for celebrations like fathers day, we still celebrate the American days too. Why not celebrate as many days of the year?!

So yesterday was Keith's day. We took it pretty easy and just had a sweet day together as a family. We had breakfast together, had snuggle time with Amalie before her nap, went for a run in the beautiful weather, and watched a really cool documentary. I don't feel like any one day can do justice to the wonderful man and father that he is. 

I honestly cannot have imagined marrying a more amazing man, father, husband and friend. It is so crazy to think back to when you were younger and you tried to imagine what your life would be like. Although I had a great imagination and painted this unbelievable picture of my life and my husband, I can honestly say that it has turned out better than I ever imagined. 

8 years ago my life changed completely when I met Keith. He was the most genuine, sincere, loving and open person I had ever met. He showed me what it was to truly have a relationship with Jesus and to live fully in His peace, joy and love. Before he even really knew me that well, he loved me and saw me in the way I had always hoped to be seen. He loved me the way Jesus does in that unconditional, non-judging, compassionate, optimistic way, where you know there are no limits placed on who you are and want to be. A year later he proposed to me and one of the things he said that I will never forget is that he would not just "propose" to me this one day. He would spend the rest of our lives loving me and "proposing" to me on a daily basis. And he has not gone back on his promise. Keith has loved, supported and encouraged me everyday to be everything that I want to be and that Jesus places on my heart to be. 

We always knew we wanted to have children and I didn't question one second whether Keith would be an amazing father to our children, and supportive husband to me as a mother. And once again, no matter how wonderful I imagined this experience to be, I could have never imagined it to be this beautiful. Every moment of each day is so precious. It is the greatest blessing to be a mother, and it is even more of a blessing to see the man that I love being the sweetest, most caring and fun father ever. I am so thankful for our family and for this life that we have been blessed to experience. Thank you Keith for being the man, husband, friend and father that you are. 

Friday, June 7, 2013

Life is beautiful

So the past couple of months have flown by! I have less than 3 months left of my maternity leave and I am trying to take in each moment of each day. This life couldn't be more beautiful. Amalie is on the move big time and is keeping me on my toes. She is crawling and trying pull herself up to stand on those little chubby feet, although she has had no luck yet. She pulls herself up and tumbles, but I can only imagine that it will not take long before she is cruising around the furniture. It is such a blessing to experience the excitement in her eyes every time she discovers something new. Everything is an adventure and every new experience sends her into a joyful state. It is seriously hilarious. We went to some friends house for dinner last night and they have a much bigger and more open living room. No exaggeration she was crawling in circles at one point, sitting down every once in a while to smile and laugh. She loves new places, and people... she is all about people. 

I feel like we just got home from our trip to the US, but we have already been back for a few weeks. The trip was definitely wonderful, hectic and sweet. The first week was a total blur. Amalie had jet lag the first few days, which meant very little sleep for the both of us. Then she got the flu while we were in Charleston, which meant less sleep for the both of us. Although I still managed to enjoy seeing friends and family that first week, I was exhausted to put it mildly. My little sister travelled with me and was a complete angel, but it was so hard to be without Keith. Having Keith home with me the first 5 months after Amalie was born was beyond a blessing and made it seem like having a baby was a piece of cake. Not to say we didn't have our moments, but being together on everything took the stress out of the whole experience. I never really felt overwhelmed and if I was ever close to feeling that way Keith was right there to help me in any way possible. Needless to say, travelling around with a 6 month old, staying with other people no matter how close you are, having a sick baby, and not having your other half was a challenge. But we made it through and after that first week the trip got much better. Amalie was back to being her fun, sweet, happy, laid back self, and I was able to get the sleep I needed to not die of exhaustion. 

I threw all sleep rules out of the window for my own sanity sake and she pretty much slept in the bed with me every night. She started out in the pack and play, but started protesting and waking me up all the time, so we just snuggled every night. I cannot lie, it was wonderful:) After we got home it took about a week and she was back to sleeping in her crib in her own room and she has quit nursing at night completely. Although I miss those sweet little snuggle times, I am thankful that she has managed to cut it out on her own. We only have the summer left before I go back to work and I will not be able to handle waking up at night and working full time. My sweet little girl is getting so big and I don't know if I am totally ready for this. 

So back to our trip, there were so many fun and sweet moments: Sweet time with Keith's parents and Mrs. Vicki babysitting or just taking Amalie anytime I needed it, or whenever she needed it; time with so many wonderful friends we haven't seen in way too long; warm weather and bare baby feet; ; Amalie finally getting used to other kids thanks to sweet snuggles from Henry, Avery, Amelia and Sarah Grace; the best first mother's day ever with Amalie and Keith; crossfit grit and crossfit east decatur (yes, I loved it); and a bunch of firsts for Amalie-- first time being outside without wool or down covering her little body, first touch of grass, first time on the beach, first time swimming outside, first time swinging, first time jogging with Mamma and Daddy. It was just all around good for our souls to be back home. We both feel like we need to start visiting home twice a year, although that will be pretty difficult.

I have to tell about my first American mother's day. Most things are bigger in the US, literally. And not always in a good way, but making a big deal out of Mother's day was awesome. Mother's day is celebrated on another date in Norway but just isn't quite as big. I loved Mother's day and feel like it is like having 2 birthdays a year. But in all seriousness, we pretty much deserve it. No matter how much those sweet Daddys do, the amount of energy that is put into those little babies by the Mammas that first year should be celebrated for years to come. Keith was home with me for 5 months and did as much as he could all of the time, but carrying Amalie for 9 months (which I loved), delivering her after a 36 hour labor (which I did not love), and nursing her every 1 1/2 the first week or two (mixed feelings) and then every 2-4 for months on end, being checked back into the hospital after passing out from a 104 fever due to a breast infection, and chasing after that sweet little rascal every day while Keith is at work, I think I deserved a big Mother's day!! The day was just perfection. I woke up that morning and Keith had already taken Amalie so I could sleep a little more, which he does on a regular basis anyways. But then he made me my favorite pancakes made with just cinnamon, 1 banana and 2 eggs. Then I left for the Ritz Carlton spa for a morning massage. I hung out there for a few hours and came home to a wonderful lunch made by Keith on the porch with Mrs. Vicki. Then we went down to the little beach to go swimming and later went for a run. Then we got all dressed up and headed to Gaby's by the Lake at the Ritz and had a sweet family dinner just Keith, Amalie and I. After we put Amalie to bed we cozied up outside on the porch with some of my favorite beer and just talked until I was exhausted at the early hour of 9:30pm. I am old and love it:) So that was my sweet and perfect day. It may not sound all that big, but to me it was perfect. My sweet man knows me so well. 

Here is a picture update. I already posted pics from our trip on facebook so I will post some of Amalie/us lately:)

Sweet girl in her new big girl chair

Beautiful blue eyes trying to climb

Loves playing the yard

Loves her granddaddy

Summertime in Norway is beautiful